Ladies and Gentlebras,
I've just come back from a bit of web surfing and thought I should tell you all that I've found a new place for fans of transformation caps and stories.
It's a new site, not much up yet but I bet if my audience started to visit there regularly... well, supply usually grows to meet demand right?
Pop over there if you get the chance and tell them Squid sent ya!

"NOW LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE! You messed up my tan!
"But Katie, I cant move when I'm transformed..
you put me on and then went into the sun..."
"It's all your fault! Now my summer is ruined!"
"But... But...."
"I'm sick and tired of your excuses!
I'm dropping you
in the next clothing donation bin I see.
Have a nice life BRA BOY!"

"Hmmmmm! Not bad!
At first I thought a real woman like me
would not be caught dead with a wussy guy like you.
I mean, You begged me to turn you into a girly little BRA!
But now I see that youre a much better BRA
than any I've ever worn..
You may have been a spineless freak
but now youre mine forever!"

.... No, I will not give in,
My name is Alex and I am a man!
I'm not a silky sea foam green BRA
with underwire for extra support,
I do not live in a girls underwear drawer..
this is all a dream, a nightmare
and I did not break up with my girlfreind,
and she is not a witch,
and 4 months have not gone by....

".... Betty! Nooo! dont kiss that guy!
I'm right here with you.. how could you...
"I can hear what your thinking Ricky
and I can answer by thinking back..
"Betty, why are you tormenting me this way?"
"What are you talking about?
You begged me to change you into this dress
and now that you are one
you still want to be treated as my boyfreind?
" But Betty...."
"But dress... youre not a man anymore,
so start acting like a dress
or I'm going to treat you as trash... literally!
I'll throw you out!"

"Giggle!... I'm sorry mister Sorrensen
but that love incantation I gave you to recite?
It was really a transformation spell,
so now instead of being my boss,
you get to be my pretty little panties!
Dont worry though,
you'll still get to sit in the corner office,
you'll just be doing it under my skirt when I get your job!"

"Oh Jimmy! the spell worked! You are the most adorable pair of panties I've ever seen!
I know I said Id change you back right away but you wont mind if I keep you this way do you? I tell you what? If you want me to change you back just say so... oh, that's right, frilly panties have no mouths! so it's settled then!"
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