Here is the chance to tell me what you like and dislike about this blog.
I want to improve it, but I need your help!
Tell me your thoughts by writing a comment on this post


  1. Squid,
    You Blog is fabulous on so many arcane levels. You only need the tweaks that your Muse brings to your awareness. If the Muse does strike: How about?
    1. A sequel to My Wife's Favorite. Just an incredible story, but needs your creativity to round out or continue. Shoot... it makes me want to pen a sequel.
    2. Bring in some more stories of the same caliber. Just an occasional entree' to go along with the spice of the Captions.
    3. Have another set of eyeballs peruse the Caption's "spelink & gramher."

    Oh Great and artsy Squidley. Blog On!

    Luv ya,

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I would like to see some captioned image series as well as single captions.

    If its somehow possible to create an interactive caption story, that would be incredible. But its probably a hard thing to pull off in a blog.

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    i love the idea of a woman leaving a transformed person in a store for some woman to buy them and unknowly wear them, or use them as a object.. ilove the idea of becoming underwear,pantiehose even a dildo.sex toy.. anything that will be used over and over again unlike makeup and tampons/pads.. feel fre to IM me on yahoo at amaletoyforfemales

  4. Anonymous10:40 PM

    i also injoy the blogs about a person transforming them self to spy on someone

  5. Great comments so far everyone! This is really helping me!
    I hope more people comment.


  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Your doing an excellent job so far! Grammar and spelling checks are a must addition... as well as sequenced captions. Other than that I hope you continue with your fabulous work and that we all have an opportunity to see your work on an increasingly more regular basis.

  7. Evangeline,
    Lol! Grammer and spelling have always been my enemies? enemys? ..see?
    I will try to be more careful!

  8. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I would have to say that sequences would be about the only thing I could think of to add to the blog. Other wise, this is quite nice..

    I'm not sure how a choose your own adventure would work.. but perhaps a caption contest, winner gets to join your wardrobe as the object of their desire?

  9. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I second a sequel to, My Wife's Favorite.

    I re-read that story now and again. I was a great story.

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    there was always something so great about the old body shop group. Transformation into body parts: feet, vajay, breasts, etc, would be a welcome addition.

  11. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I would love to see men turned into pantyhose.

  12. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I like your work alot but when it comes to making it better my only suggestions are ones that could change the style of your caps a lot and you may not be at all interested in that. This being said here are my thoughts.

    I like longer captions, ones that last a couple of paragraphs. I feel like you get more immersion this way.

    I also like darker captions. Your work is fine on this level most of the time but I also like transformations into other things then clothes like food, and furniture, etc. I like the idea of people being used for pretty much everything.

  13. Anonymous3:01 PM

    great blog as well as a great site; very creative and imaginative! always pictured being transformed into a pair of hose!! keep it up!

  14. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I also like the darker caps. Food, sex toys, even toilets. I like it all and sometimes the really taunting kind of different stuff is as fun as being transformed and loved.

  15. Anonymous4:19 PM

    the only real complaint i would have for the site would be that some of the captions make you feel guilty for actually having the fantasy of turning into clothing in the first place.

    the whole cold hearted look at those who are transformed is fine, but getting on someone for having that fetish is just demented, like politician kind of demented.

    there are enough people out there who will insult someone for liking transformation into girly objects, it doesnt have to come from the sites that promote the fetish in the first place...

    with that said, the only other improvement would be to add more captions, like one a day rather than a 5-10 pack every week or 2

  16. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Hi Squid, I just thought of another comment for the blog. I don't know whether it would go along with the ideas you have in your mind. Would you sometimes make captions with plus-sized women or women of various ethnicity?
